Friday, March 2, 2012

Birthday Invitations

I was explaining to Timo that I was going to be sending out new birthday invitations to all his friends with their new party date on it. Simple enough, right? Noooo, not for my 1000 question little boy. He needed to know what an invitation was, why you sent them, what they looked like, what was on them, who got them, how do you "send" them, and on and on and on. And mind you, this was all on the ride to school one morning. That afternoon, when I picked him up, he told me he made invitation for all his friends at school. Somewhat dismissing his comment, we headed home. As soon as we walked in the door, he pulled about 10 of the cutest birthday party invitations out of his backpack that he had made at school!! He had drawn pictures, put stickers and written his name on them all. He then proceeded to tell me each person they were for and what they were for. I guess he really is asking all those question for a reason!

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