Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Easter Baskets

The Easter Bunny made his usual stop this year!  Yay!
Timo has been asking for a watch and I was so excited when I found these little slap watches! I got each one in their favorite color (green and pink). 

 Timo plundered his basket immediately while Cameron took her time pulling each item out, examine it, playing and then moving on to the next.

The biggest hit ended up being the cheapest..these little grow bug. Little capsules of bugs that grow when you put them in water. It kept them occupied all morning while we got things ready for church and Easter Brunch to follow.  Gotta love simple, easy, time consuming fun!

(ok, so blogger has changed it's format and I'm still trying to figure it out. please forgive any off centered typing or phots..)

1 comment:

The Kapics said...

Our kids LOVE the grow capsules too. Gotta love Dollar Store fun!