Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Party in San Jose

We recently celebrated our friend, Karrisa's 4th Birthday!  The party was held at this indoor jungle gym/gaming center in San Jose, about an hour outside SF.  It's always nice to have a reason to escape the city for life in the suburbs.  The Jungle Land was perfect for a birthday party.  Cameron loved the giant tunnel/climbing system.  We actually lost her a few times because there were so many tunnels, entrances, exits, and so high, we couldn't keep up with her!  (Luckily it's an inclosed play center with really tight security).  We found her once riding on the mini carousel...

Timo was all about the video games...he. had. a. blast!  Each child got a bag full of tokens to use and he blew through his in the first 5mins.  We cheated a little and gave him some of Cameron's tokens because she didn't really have any interest except the skeet ball.  He has already requested his birthday party be held here so he can play games the whole time.  It was a challenge to keep him away from the "shooting" games but there were enough riding, ball and movement games to distract him.

Once the tokens were gone, he found Cameron in the ball pit and they pretty much camped out there the remainder of the party.  I thought they were a little to old for the ball pit but I guess some things you don't out grow.
Since the party was out in the "burbs" we decided to take advantage of the huge strip malls and do a little shopping.  We popped into REI to check out some running clothes for Young and it was HUGE!  It was virtually a kids playground in there for the kids.  There were tents, kayaks, camping equipment, bikes, a huge rock climbing wall, mini mountains for testing hiking boots, bikes, etc.  I think we stayed a full hour after we were done shopping.  (I don't have pic of the kids on the rock climbing wall because I was out of my mind trying to hold on to them the higher and higher they went!)

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