Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First Tball Game!!

Timo had is first ever baseball game two weeks ago. Their first few games got rained out so there was extra excitement built up for this game. Basically, this is how a t-ball game works. There are 3 innings and the inning is over when each member of the team has hit...no one is ever out because the kids just don't quite know yet who the throw the ball to to get an out. Thank goodness it's just three innings...it took an hour to play the game!

I just love this picture of Timo a fellow mom took and sent me. I think this will go in his high school yearbook one day...
The first two inning each child hits and runs one base at a time until everyone one the team has hit...that's the end of the inning.  Here is timo's first up to bat and making his way around the bases till he gets home!

Top of the second inning...his second time at bat!

Bottom of the 9th...or, rather, bottom of the 3rd inning.  Timo was playing third base!  I like the view from their baseball field, pure San Francisco.  And I really like that the coach makes them slap hands and say "good game" to each member of the other team at the end of the game.  Good game Tigers!

Timo really disliked his baseball socks...and who could blame him, they were about 10 sizes to big! We had to triple fold them down just to get them at his knee. So as soon as the game was over I found him in his seat trying to take his socks off.

 A little snack after the game...we'll deserved.  It was such a fun game!  We're so proud of our little baseball player!

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