Monday, May 7, 2012

Swimming Update

Somebody LOVES their swim class!
They got their first Whale ribbons a few weeks ago for three straight weeks of getting in the pool with no crying/clinging to Mommy.  And Cameron got her Rainbow ribbon for swimming with a floaty out and back from the platform. (Timo is a little behind her from missing a few classes with his tonsils) 

Last week they started "sit jumps" off the wall. Mr. Dan is working on them making a "balloon face" every time they get in the water. The idea is to hold their breath so water doesn't get in their nose/mouth...and being OK with water getting in their face. Cameron did really well but certainly did not like the water in her face.  The great thing is that she tried and tried again. Timo did a really good job his first jump but he only did it once, that was enough for him.  It's so fun seeing the different learning personalities between the children.  Cameron tried and tries until she can get it done perfect, Timo usually does it right the first time and then he's done trying.
The reward for being so brave and doing a good job...helicopter rides and mega raft rides! No wonder Cameron adores Mr. Dan!

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