Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Christmas Break

We had a pretty rainy Christmas break from school so we had lots of indoor time. Thank goodness for new toys to help pass the time. Legos were the hit. It took Timo a day or two to really understand the fullness of all Legos could do...now he is obsessed.  He literally spent hours at a time just building all sorts of cars, buildings, animals, anything all all.  I can see why Legos is such an empire now, it's addictive  you have to keep getting more and more so you can build bigger and better things!
A little creativity...marble ramps and Cameron drew a bunch of "roads" for her motorcycle.
Timo continued to perfect his military strategy with all his soldiers, cowboys and Indians.
Silly string!  A little stocking stuffer for them.  It was really fun but ran out really fast!
And the kids were enjoying their Star Wars pancakes from Daddy's Christmas gift...the gift that keeps on giving!
It was nice to have the Christmas/New Year break and have some solid family time of no schedules....but I was certainly glad when school was back in!

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