Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tahoe--Day 3

Our last full day in Tahoe was probably the best.  It wasn't snowing.  It was sunny, albeit cold, but sunny weather to get outside for a full day of play.  The Ritz resort is nestled in the mountains just above Northstar Village and is right on the ski slopes.  Most guests at the hotel were skiing, making it very tempting to put the kids in ski school and hit the slopes...but alas, we weren't really prepared to go skiing so it will have to wait another year.  We just headed out for another day of playing in the snow.  I taught Timo how to eat snow.  He loved it.
We did a little hiking up the ski trails...pretty steep hills and then the kids tried to run and slide down on their bellies.  Cameron kept calling herself a penguin!  We didn't really have room in our car for sleds but we might have to make room for next year...great sledding hills.
Cameron was ready to go in a take a break while Timo and Daddy went on a hike in the beautiful hills.  Timo wrote his name in the snow...
Cameron and I went in for some hot chocolate and craft time...picture frames!  The Ritz did such a good job having lots of activities for the kids.  Each day there was craft time with a hot chocolate bar (cocoa, whip cream, chocolate chips, etc), s'mores in the afternoons, movie nights and a hide and seek game every morning.  There was plenty to keep us busy.
After craft time, Young took the kids back out while I was able to spend some time in the spa.  I just relaxed in the hot tub, steam room and sipped tea in the relaxation room.  What a great husband I have!
When I reappeared to reality, there was a huge snow fort built outside the hotel with lots of kids running around! Young and the twins started building this fort and as time went on, more and more kids came over to join in the effort.  Timo, our social butterfly, had made lots of new friends by the end.
Guess who was right on time for 4pm s'mores!  We didn't miss the afternoon s'more...I felt like it was the hotel's job to keep us all hyped up on sugar the whole weekend!
We hoped on the Gondola to head back down to Northstar for some supper and ice skating but once we got down there we realized how cold it was...around 10 degrees.  So we gobbled down bowls of hot ramen noodles and wanted to get back to our warm hotel room.  And look what treat we had waiting for us from the we need more marshmallows...
I wanted to return the favor to Young and offed him a few hours to go relax while I took the kids to movie night at the hotel.  We enjoyed popcorn and lemonade while watching Polar Express and Young took an dip in the outdoor heated swimming pool.  Having just been on the Polar Express, the kids were super excited to see the movie for the first time.  It did had a few "stressful' parts that Timo had a hard time with but he was a brave boy and made it through.
We finished our final night in Tahoe with a quick and very cold walk in the was a full moon!  The hotel was so pretty all lite up at night...

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