Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tahoe--Last Day

Our last day of vacation we tried to squeeze in as much fun as possible! The hotel had a "Bear Hide and Seek" each morning where they hide a stuffed bear somewhere in the living room for the children to find. Once you find him, you snap a picture with our phone camera, take it to the front desk and claim a prize. Well, we had been so lazy every morning, we got down too late to participate. Cameron made sure we were up and ready the last morning...she so wanted to find that teddy bear! It took quite a bit of searching, and a hint or two from other parents, but we finally found him. (we then played it forward and gave hints to other parents after us) The children picked out their little treasures, an angle puppy and Santa dog.
We went through the 10min process of getting all geared up to go out in the snow one more time.  We didn't have much time, just enough to stomp around a little more and take a family photo...
Young and I started the daunting task of packing while Timo and Cameron occupied themselves with Timo's new army soldiers...
It was sad to leave but we needed to get back to reality.  I honestly felt like we had escaped from reality for almost four days.  Prior to our trip I had made all these plans/activities for us including a museum trip, driving to Reno, maybe a drive around Lake Tahoe, but in the end, we did absolutely nothing but relax and have some amazing family time. We checked out of the hotel and drove to the town of Truckee to eat lunch and saw all brown, yucky snow...not the kind of snow we had been around the past few days.  But Truckee was a cute little town, we had a fantastic greasy hot lunch at a cute diner (did I mention how cold it was outside??) and we on our way home.  The drive back was much faster...3 1/2 hours.  I think we lucked out on our snowy vacation.  Tahoe hasn't received that much snow in the weeks following our trip.

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