Monday, November 18, 2013

Cheetah Girl

Can you see the cheetah in the tree?  Cameron has a strange affection for cheetahs and when she saw the "cheetah" print cloths in Gymboree a few weeks ago she just begged to have them.  Being that they were 60% off, it was a no brainer for me.  My hope is that she wouldn't wear the pants and shirt together but I honestly knew better.  She climbed up this tree in the park last week and becoming one with her inner cheetah.

Sorry for slacking in posts lately.  I see why they say time flies once the kids start really does!  I honestly don't know how working mom's do it all.  I'm a stay home mom with kids in school and still fall behind on my chores.  I'll try to catch you all up this week, my schedule seems a little more calm the next few day...just before the onset of the Thanksgiving holiday...

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