Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Halloween Parties/Halloween

One thing I learned about Argonne Elementary School, Halloween is a big deal.  The whole school decorates, all the teachers dress up, each class has a party, there is a costume parade, dance party and early dismissal from after school programs so the littles can go trick or treating.  Wow, it's a much bigger deal than we've ever made Halloween out to be...but it was fun.

I split my time between the two class parties, helping Cameron find and decorate her pumpkin and gobbled up the goodies for lunch.
Timo's class had a little carnaval theme for their party with face painting, games and prizes. Timo had beginners luck at bingo...he won four times!  Now he thinks he's really good at Bingo and is asking to play all the time...ha, ha, ha.
Then it was time to change into costumes for the parade and dance party.  Mrs. Dere's Class!
We chose different costumes for school than for our trick or treating costume...we didn't want to mess up our real costumes so we rummaged around the house and pulled together some costumes of things we already had.  Timo was a SF Giants baseball player and Cameron was butterfly fairy.  Ms. Marshia class!
Getting ready, lining up for the parade and hanging with our new friends!

Parade time!  We walked all the way around the block with lots of cars stopping to say hi and honking horns.  I had to leave after the parade but the children went back for a little dance party, which according to Cameron's teacher, she was standing on the stage showing everyone how to dance!
After school we hurried home to change into Superheros!  Timo was a Navy Seal soldier and Cameron was Wonder Woman.  We hit the our usual neighborhood with our buddies Lucia, Caleb and Evan again this year and it was crazy busy.  I didn't get may pics of the candy gathering...way too many kids and chaos.  But we had so much fun!
Once we got home it was time to check out our loot!  Our children's personality really comes out when it come to the candy.  Cameron just wanted to start eating all her candy while Timo divided all his up and only picked out a few pieces he wanted to keep...who child is this??  Our dentist "buys back" candy so the children can bring in their candy and get a prize out of the treasure chest.  Timo had his all bagged up and ready to give back the next day...you can tell he values toys over sweets!

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