Tuesday, November 19, 2013


This is what I love about being a kid...just looking at the world a whole new way every day and not being inhibited...just letting your imagination go wild. And I think being a twin or multiple is something special in that you always have a playmate the same age, the same maturity level and the same understanding of your crazy ideas.  When the kids get together and have uninterrupted play, I'm amazed at the silly, crazy, creative things they come up with.

Making their own rocking chairs...leaning back on the legs but having the sofa to stop them.  They rocked back and forth playing the "word game" (I give them a word and they spell it).
Timo saves ever little bit of trash we have and can find something for it.  He made glasses out of this plastic piece by punching holes in the side, threading string and tying it in the back.  His own pair of Minion glasses.
I love it when they work together.  Putting on a puppet show or playing veterinarian.  They carried the horsey out on the blanket and proceeded examine her to find she was allergic to cats (a diagnosis in the wake of Timo's allergy test).
Given an hour or so and Timo can come up with one amazing battle plan.  His army of legos, dinos and soldiers were protecting the crystal wand...it's hard to see but it's made of legos by his foot.  I'm amazed of the detail he goes through in building and setting everything up.
Cameron loves to dress up and become someone new...One day she is Cinderella, the next she is Batman. She just has to have the turkey hat and can always find a mask she needs.  Anything and any way to recreate herself.
Given a little time to themselves and they can create their own entertainment...a Bible movie theater. Cameron came up with this one night using her Bible matching game.  Her theology isn't exactly correct but it all comes from a sweet place in her heart.

20131016_185637.mp4 from Sara ko on Vimeo.

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