Sunday, April 27, 2008

Baby Boot Camp

It's been a busy week and weekend for us here in the Ko household...sorry for not keeping up on the posts. We have officially started sleep training with the kids! They are 10 weeks and eat enough and weigh enough. Most of my free time has been spent reading a number of sleep training books, trying to take a little from each doctor to fit our twins. There are so many books and so many methods...from the old "cry it out" to sleeping next to the crib so your baby is comforted. We finally settled on one book, "The Baby Sleep Solution" by Suzy Giordano (she has twin girls). We like the gradual way she has the baby adjust to sleeping through the night...a 4 step plan. Step one: feeding every four hours in a twelve hour period as a posed to their normal every three hours. I tried starting this last week but couldn't handle both screaming babies by myself. My son does not like to have his feeding time pushed back! We started on Saturday so we could tag team them and decided to the key was to keep the kids distracted. The first push back went pretty well, they slept all the way up to the noon feeding. The 4:00pm feeding on the other hand was a big loud. Distract, distract, we danced with the kids, looked in the mirror, tossed them in the air, singing, anything we could think of...and we made it! The last feed at 8pm was a little better...bath time distracted them mostly. Then amazingly enough, they slept long at night, four hours between feedings!! The book says it takes about 3 days for the baby to get used to the new schedule, so we still have some time before it gets easier. Step 2 is to eliminate all night time feeds...but I think we are about a week or so away from that.

1 comment:

Sharona said...

wow! that's so great! Let me know how it goes! (I love it that I can learn All Things Parental through you two...)It will save me a world of trial and error when my turn comes! I can hear myself now: "Well, Sara and Young did it THIS way..." "Sara said that that didn't work as well because..." "No, no, this will be a better method, because I remember when Timothy and Cameron were babies..."