Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Boppy!

Everyone makes a big deal over the bouncy seats...well, they haven't really worked out that well for us. But the Boppy pillow, now that is a real treasure. We LOVE our Boppy pillow. We've used it since the kids came home from the hospital. It's a great place for the kids to nap (Cameron loves it b/c of her reflux), it's a holding place when feeding two at once and it doubles as mommy and daddy's arms when the babies need to be cradled. I especially love the Boppy b/c it's light and potable. I move the pillow all over the house to help hold the kids in whatever room we're in...we even put it in the crib to keep Cameron upright after she eats. Thanks Timmie for the great hidden treasure.

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