Monday, September 29, 2008

Motherhood Blessings

I guess you could say my approach to motherhood has been somewhat tepid. While I always wanted to have kids, I didn't really envision myself #1 being a stay home mom and #2 having such adorable, lovable kids. And like most things, I don't accept change very well. I envisioned having the babies, staying home a few months then dropping them off at day care and heading back to work. I wanted to go back to work because #1 it seems lazy to have kids and not work full time and #2 being a mom was much harder than my job as a pastry chef...I wanted to go back to work just to get away from two crying babies! But the Lord has really changed my heart, as well as the babies. Thank goodness He had a much better and more perfect plan for me than I did!! I am so in love with my children and am now seeing it is as a complete blessing to be able to stay home with them.

I was feeding them lunch the other day and at the end each feeding I give them a spoon and their sippy cup to play/practice with (still can't get the hang of the sippy cup). We had some fun just lingering and playing. I know most moms don't get to experience that kind of time with their children and I felt truly blessed that I'm able to. It's not an easy job and there have been and continue to be challenges for me but the rewards are far greater than I ever had as a pastry chef. I see their changes from day to day. I get to love on them 24/7. And I hope that love will equip them with an abundant amount of self confidence as they grow...knowing they are loved.

And I want to thank my husband all that he has done and continues to do that allows me to stay home with our children. You are such a gift to me and I treasure you.

Here are some pictures of our lunch last week...
playing with the spoons, working on aim

Timothy having trouble keeping his cup on the tray...Cameron trying to help grab it.

Timothy still having trouble keeping his cup on his tray...and both spoon are now on the floor.

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