Monday, October 13, 2008

The Scary Penguin

So we have this penguin toy that a childhood friend of mine gave the twins. For some very odd reason, Cameron is scared to death of this penguin. As you can see from the picture, it's a little inflatable toy that has balls inside, about 18 inches tall. When you push/touch/hit the penguin it rocks back and forth and play this little "woo hoo" & "wee" music. I pulled it out a few months ago and the kids didn't really understand it or get into it, so I put it away. I pulled it out again the other day and put it next to Cameron, pushed it so it would play the music...and she had a complete melt down. Total hysterics. It was so strange. I had to call Young at work and tell him about it.

Then a few nights later Young was playing with the kids while I was in the kitchen getting their dinner ready. I hear Cameron start wailing...and of course I come running in, looked at her big crocodile tears and ask what happened. Young has this very guilty look on his face and pulls the penguin from behind his back..."I just wanted to see if it would happen again"

I have no idea what is so scary about the penguin but we've put him in the corner for now...
(note to self: penguins and pumpkins are no-nos for Cameron)

1 comment:

Sharona said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That IS a scary penguin!! And I LOVE Young for not being able to resist experimenting.

And the photo of the penguin in the corner! This is TOO MUCH HILARITY!!

This post made my stomach hurt laughing...