Monday, November 3, 2008

My Birthday Weekend

My Birthday weekend was just fabulous! Young and the kids did such a good job at pampering me making it special. We don't have a tons of pictures, it seems we were on the move most of the weekend. The theme this year seemed to be "gourmet food".
We started Saturday morning by cruising the Farmer's market and eating breakfast at a Tsar Nicolai Caviar Cafe in the Ferry Building. Amazing breakfast! Then we headed to the restaurant supply store for me to pick out some equipment for my kitchen. Now that I'm baking and cooking more at home, I realized my kitchen is sorely understocked with equipment. I had a shopping spree of whisks, spatulas, cake pans, etc...and a new cutting board! After shopping I met one of my friends, Alicia, for an afternoon of pampering at a spa for a manicure/pedicure...while daddy took care of the kids.
Our Caviar brunch...caviar omelet and smoked salmon eggs benedict....soooo good!!

On Sunday, my actual birthday, we had a little sandwich/panini party at our home. Since most of my friends now have babies as well, we thought it would be easier to have it here at the house.
Scott and Lucia enjoying a pickle. Here is Amy playing with Cameron.

Making a wish and a shot of all the babies...Timothy, Noah, Lucia & Cameron. Jasper had to go home a little earlier because of his missed nap...
After everyone left, Young and I had to clean...but the kids were really tired and getting I turned on Baby Boost on the TV to entertain them. It worked, they love the singing.

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