Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday My Love

Yesterday was Young's birthday, so I'm a day late in posting a happy birthday to him. Cameron and I had a 24hr stomach bug yesterday and were pretty much out of it all day. We had to cancel our dinner reservations, cancel the sitter and Young had to come home early to help me feed and bath the kids because I wasn't feeling well at all. What a happy birthday, huh? But he was a real trooper and helped nurse me back to health. We'll try to make it up to him this weekend!

This is a picture of earlier this week, Young go home late, just after I put the kids down to bed. I told him I had just put them down but he could go kiss the goodnight. I was cleaning the kitchen and turned around to see this...he just couldn't resist getting them up and playing with them! What a great daddy they have...what a great husband I have...i love you!

1 comment:

Chances' Chatters said...

Happy belated birthday wishes, Young. Your family is absolutely beautiful and we love keeping up with you through the blog. Sara does an amazing job keeping it current. Kim and Curtis