Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Into Everything

I was in the kitchen putting some dishes away and Timothy was at my feet. After a few minuets I noticed Cameron was being very quiet in the living room...I was suspicious. I left the dishwasher door down b/c I was drying the kids highchair trays and went to see what Cameron was doing. I found her rummaging through the diaper bag. She had found the container of Cheerios, taken the lid off and was snacking on them! I cleaned things up, put the diaper bag away and noticed Timothy was being quiet...what was he into now?? I go back into the kitchen and he was trying to take the bottom rack out of the dishwasher! Ugh, why don't these kids like to play with their toys????

1 comment:

Abs said...

Quiet is always a bad sign... you find some funny things happening when it gets quiet. I've got one video of Emmaline trying to pull onions out of the cabinets when she thought I wasn't looking.
