Saturday, February 27, 2010

First Snow

It's been a while since I personally experienced a snow storm. Was very excited at the thought of having Timo and Cameron have their first experience and seeing the expressions on their face. We had a such a great time the last time we were in Tahoe in September, we decided to come back... but this time, for the snow.

We were getting a bit concerned driving over here as the temperature outside was running in the 50's. And when we did arrive, there was very little snow on the ground. However, that evening, the snow storm hit. I couldn't remember that last time I saw such huge cotton balls drop from the sky. It was amazing and beautiful.

The next morning, we woke up to a winter wonderland. Timo and Cameron thoroughly enjoyed themselves in the snow. I'm sure Sara will be posting more when we get back, but I wanted to share some early pics and hopefully a video (as long as I can get it loaded up).

Hope you enjoyed your first snow Timo and Cameron. Daddy loves you.

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