Thursday, March 10, 2011


After the last disaster of painting when the kids were about 1 1/2years old, I decided no painting until they were in college. Well, that didn't exactly stick and I decided to give it another try at 3years old. They love arts and crafts so much, I thought they might be ready. So I made a little painting kit as one of their birthday presents...a little box filled with finger paints, water colors, washable paint, brushes and smocks (large bibs with sleeves). We were set for success!

We tackled the washable paints first and what a difference a year and a half makes! The kids understood dipping the brush in water between each color and how to only paint on the paper!! Cameron's art is so different than Timo's. She is very neat and clean, purposeful in her designs...while Timo just randomly paints colors, one on top of the other, using the whole piece of paper and his imagination.

painting from Sara ko on Vimeo.

Then a few weeks later we broke out the finger paints. This one I was really nervous about. I think it helped that we practiced with paint brushes first, they knew the rules going into it. But I have to say, I rather prefer using the brushes. There wasn't really an easy way to clean hand between colors so I gave them bowls of water...but then water was all over their hands and arms and table..just a big mess. They had fun but Mommy was a wreck just watching the mess unfold.
I think they got tired of their hands being messy and wet so the finger painting didn't last as long. They asked for their brushes and started painting the bowls...think we're ready for one of the pottery painting shops?

1 comment:

Lisa Y said...

Looks like you are running a montessori school out of your house :) That is awesome! You are such a GOOD mom! I love reading about the time you and your kids are lucky enough to have together!