Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Spoken Word

Even though the kids have great vocabulary and you can understand what they are saying 85% of the time, there are still a few words that come out a little jumbled up. But I adore how they sound...

This is Timo saying hamburger...

Untitled from Sara ko on Vimeo.

Cameron is telling me what happened on Sesame Street...trying to say mosquito...

Untitled from Sara ko on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Sharona said...

HAHAHAHAHA! 'And the spoquito said WHOOOOOOOA!' HAHAHAHAHA! I had to watch both of these videos twice, they're just TOO FUNNY! Timo's reminds me of Steve Martin learning to say hamburger in the Pink Panther. You HAVE to see this, it's hysterical: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz0IT4Uk2xQ&feature=related