Friday, November 18, 2011

Halloween 2011

This year my parents were here for Halloween and it was great to have a few extra hands keeping everyone together and on agenda! Timo was just happy being in his costume and didn't want any candy. I kept asking him over and over to take his bucket and he kept saying I don't want candy, Mommy! But once he saw his buddies getting candy, he wanted his bucket ASAP. We met our friends Caleb and Evan on the corer and off we went..
We picked up two more friends along the way...Lucia (Heidi) and Jasper (policeman)
We had a hard time teaching trick or treating "edict"...Saying "Trick or Treat", waiting till they give you candy and then make sure to say thank you. But somehow, once the door was opened and the kids saw the candy..all manners went out the door! I felt sorry for some of the folks opening the door. It was a frenzy of toddlers snatching candy! And Timo would just walk into houses!!
But a good time was being had by all...

It was starting to get dark and we were about to call it a night when we came upon this one house that was really scary for the kids. They had a big black cat blow up, scary noise that played as you walked up the steps and skeletons in the yard. Cameron and Jasper were too scared to go, Timo was kinda frozen with fear yet wanted to know how it all worked, and the others were trying to get the cat to move...
We tried to get a group picture but the scary house upset most of the kids and no one was happy at this point...
I let the kids eat once piece of candy on the way home...and of course Cameron chose the full-sized Kit Kat bar she got...and she ate almost every bite! That's my girl!

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