Thursday, November 17, 2011

Trunk or Treat!

The Saturday before Halloween our church had a Fall Family Fest and Trunk or Treat. This was our first experience at Trunk or Treat and I must say I LOVE it! If you're not familiar (as I was), it's where participating folks back their cars in the parking lot, open their trunks and decorate the trunk as if it were their house. Then the children all walk around from car to car trick or treating! It's so much safer than house to house and much more approachable for the little ones. Timo and Cameron got all dressed up in their costumes and had a blast...not to mention loaded up on the candy! Cameron wanted to be a pink super hero from day 1 of talking about costumes. Timo went back and forth between space man or race car driver...race car driver won out once he saw this one with the headset (that only lasted about 30sec before it hurt his ear).
Once we got to church the kids saw all the cars lined up and wanted to get right to work collecting the goods...we are definitely signing up to be a trunk next year!

After the trick or treating there were lots of activities for the kids. Cameron was especially happy about winning a round of the "cupcake" Cake Walk!

There was also pumpkin painting, bouncy houses, games, balloon animals....Timo LOVES Rolo the clown, and I mean LOVES. He gets so excited when he see him and always runs up, stands next to him the whole time watching his every move.

Hot dogs with our fav friends Jonathan and Anjali...or should I say Mr. Policeman and Woody...
And somehow Cameron talked/walked herself to another cupcake to finish off the evening!

1 comment:

Leigh Anne said...

Our first trunk r treat too!  I was amazed at the "trunks" myself. I guess I was expecting to grab candy from the back of people's buicks or something!!  Some folks went all out with moving parts and light ups that I don't even know how they powered!  I really miss our good ol' GLBC harvest festival complete with hot dogs, apple bobbing and cake walk. The cupcake walk is a great idea!  Much more size-appropriate.  Can't wait for your travel blogs!  -LA