Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Green Level

Green Level is the small community I grew up in in North Carolina. We don't have a zip code, just a couple of roads leading up to our church on the hill. When I was growing up there wasn't much out our way except lots of tree and tobacco fields. Gone are the tobacco fields, they have been replaced by new roads, housing developments and strip malls. Growing up we had to drive 20mins to get the nearest grocery store, now there is one 60sec. away. How times have changed. But nevertheless, most of our neighbors still live in Green Level and I always come back to visit. They say it takes a village to raise a child...Green Level raised me.

Our next door neighbors, Judy & Roy, threw a little cookout for us so everyone could meet the twins. It was so great to see everyone! We have two sets of twins and one set of triplets in Green Level, one set of boys in their 20s, one boy/girl set that are 7years old and the triplets are about 4years old. It was fun to swap stories with the other multiple moms and know it gets easier. Timothy and Cameron were great troopers being passed all around. The funny thing was everyone there reads our blog so I didn't really have to update anyone...it's like they already knew the twins and were excited to meet them in person.

extra hands to help out with feedings....thanks Brenda and Darlene
how many people does it take to put two babies in car seats??
Shannon and Wendy are like my sisters and Lee a little brother, we all grew up together. Here we all are with our kids (except Lee, he just got married). Shannon (holding Cameron) has twins, Caroline and Joseph (far right), Wendy has Natalie (middle, pink dress). The other picture is of the house I grew up in. Wendy and her husband bought it from my parents but will soon be moving because of a freeway loop coming through. I wanted to get a picture before it is no more...

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