Saturday, March 7, 2009

Fun At the Rec Center

I took the kids to the Richmond Rec Center yesterday, just a few blocks from our house, for the "Kid's Time" We've been before when the kids were smaller and they couldn't really participate in much. But now, boy, they were all over the place! Thank goodness my friend Yang was there with her son...she was an extra pair of hands and eyes to help keep track of them. There are so many kids in there, running around, sliding, climbing and ridding in cars. The twins had a great time roaming all over and of course, they were totally into the music time at the end of play time.
Timothy had the best time pushing all the cars around...Cameron is enjoying her ride!

I had trouble keeping the kids seated in the wagon so the ride didn't last long. Then it was off to the little house where they played peek-a-boo through the windows.

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