Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year, New Beginning

So I think as the kids close in on 3 years old, our blog will also be a little over 3 years, it's time to reevaluate our lives and schedules. As a mom of 3 year old twins and the primary keeper of the blog, I think I need to set realistic expectations for myself. The kid's lives are rapidly changing and I'm forced to jump in and change right along with them...

I'm finding that naps are becoming a thing of the past. Timo almost never naps now and Cameron is about 50/50. I'm trying to still maintain "quiet time" in their beds, but that last only about an hour. Which means I have an hour to get all my chores done without interruption...and I'm not being very successful at it. So some things have to comes the blog. I set expectations of myself to try and post almost everyday, just to keep up with the amount of pictures I take but it's not very realistic.

In addition to the kids changing, Young's travel schedule is changing as well...meaning he will be traveling almost every week, gone 3-5 days a week. This leaves me alone with the twins all week and the weekends to try and pack in as much family time as we can possibly stand! Again, not leaving much time for the all.

So I plan to slow down our blog posting dramatically over the next few months. I hope to post any milestones, birthdays, travels and or big happenings in the Ko family but outside that, we plan to reevaluate our lives and scale some things down to make way for new things. (But don't feel like you are missing out's been raining here for 40 days and 40 nights lately, so it's just a bunch of play dough, coloring and Lincoln Log building going on.)

Since our blog will be updated less and less in the coming months ( I still have a bunch of holiday post to make but just haven't had the time), you can keep posted on the entries through my Facebook page. If you're not a friend then friend me and I'll add you so you can stay updated. Or just check back every week or so.

Have no fear...I might start a new blog in the near future, maybe in the fall when the kids start preschool. I'm thinking a blog about food, tea, bread or something of that nature...suggestions are welcome! Stay tuned....

1 comment:

Sharona said...

But but but! Okay, milestones are acceptable. I would hate to miss out on any firsts. And I'm the last one to talk about frequent blog posting. Will you also post it when they do something funny?? I mean, I can't imagine where I'd be if I didn't see Timo running around full monty or Cameron singing like a diva. So maybe ONCE in a while we can get a special-treat post. YES. That is good. I am glad we have made this decision.

Also, I LOVE the idea of you setting up a tea/food/etc. blog! * sitting at your feet, gazing adoringly upward * Teach me, o wise one. Teach me.