Sunday, January 2, 2011

Santa Ana Zoo

Since we didn't get into Anaheim (Disneyland) until around 1am, we kept our first day of vacation super mellow...or as mellow as you can keep it with two toddlers with lots of energy and excitement!
Our first stop was the Santa Ana Zoo. The zoo was about 10min from where we were staying and we could get in free with our membership affiliation of the Coyote Point Museum here in SF...we love free! And I have to say, if we had to pay to get in, I would have been highly disappointed...this zoo was not one of the better ones we've seen. But we mad the most of it and managed to enjoy all the zoo had to offer.
We did see a few animals...the coolest was the camels and the bald eagle!
And of course every zoo has to have a carousel and a train.

Some beautiful orange groves we passed during the train ride. Cameron love oranges so it was all she could do not to reach out and gobble up some.
There was also a playground there that the kids loved...they must have played almost an hour. They haven't been to a playground in a few weeks because of all the rain so they were so happy to have sunny skies and new play structures.
On the way out we stopped by the "Barnyard" where Timo tried his hand a milking a cow, wow, it looks so real! Cameron was a little scared once she saw the "milk" coming out...
I can tell the kids had a blast on our morning was the first day in the past three days that they took a nap! Guess the Santa Ana Zoo wasn't such a bad place after all...

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