Monday, October 1, 2012


Timo really wants to learn how to read.  He asks me everyday to teach him a little more and more. So we're working on work recognition but haven't really tackled spelling.  Having never taught anyone to read before, I'm at a loss of how to go about doing it.  I just ordered this book from Amazon that a fellow mom I'll let you know how it goes.  But, in the mist of learning how read, we are sounding out words, trying to learn the sounds of each letter that forms the words.  A few nights ago he and Cameron were doing some art/drawings left over from our bible study and he told me he was going to spell CROSS.  So he sounded the word out, writing each letter and spelled his first word all by himself!  The only part I helped with was telling him to add another "s" because there were two at the end of the word.  It got added under the word.  He also thought it started with a "k" at first but once we sounded it out more slowly, he decided it was a "c".  Here it is...Timo's first word...cross.

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