Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Superheros for God--The Wise Man

I'm so behind in my blogging! It's not that I don't have events to post, I just haven't had time to upload pictures and write it all down. One blog post takes a lot longer than you think... Anyway, we have been working hard on our Superheros for God bible study. This was a few weeks ago, we continued with Super Conduct. Our verse was Matthew 7 24-27, the wise man and foolish man.  We watched the recommended video on youtube and the kids loved it!! Wise and Foolish Builders.  (I'm not sure how to embed it into my blog, any suggestions would be appreciated).  I read the scriptures first then we watched the video...three times! By the last time, I was asking them questions to make sure they understood and they really seemed to get the foolish man didn't follow instructions, the wise man did. And that's how we become wise, by DOING and FOLLOWING God's words.
We then painted rocks...rocks to build our foundations on.  I had high hopes that they would be spiritual rocks and even tried to paint a few examples for them...but their 4year old creativity got the best of them and it was anything goes.  Then I realized it's not what's on the rocks that matters, it's the intention and lesson behind the rocks that counts.  We want to be wise men and have super conduct by doing what God's word says!

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