Thursday, February 7, 2013

Berenstain Bears

At school, the teacher is allowing students to bring in books from home to be read to the class.  One of Timo and Cameron's classmates brought in a Berestain Bears book and they were hooked.  The funny thing is we have one BB book but I guess they forgot about it or wasn't in their normal rotation of books.  So after reading our book A MILLION times, they wanted more.  So we braved the rain and headed to the library and cleaned out the shelf! (not really, they had several copies of the same books)  This is what we came home with
It sure was quiet at the dinner table that night...and at bedtime.  I love library days!!

Just had to toss this one in...I was washing and drying Cameron's quilt and had just pulled it out of the dryer at bedtime.  I wrapped them up in the warm quilt just before we started reading our BB bedtime books.  So cozy...
Needless to say, two of the BB book went to school with them the next to be read to the class.

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