Monday, February 11, 2013

Gymnastics For Cameron

Cameron started taking gymnastics in January and loves it. She's been asking ever since the summer olympics but because of swimming, we had to postpone a while. I just couldn't have them in two different activities, filling up our week running from one lesson to another. So we stopped our swimming at the end of the year and Cameron began her gymnastics career. It's been fun for Cameron too, it's nice for her to have something that's all her own, outside of Timo. Those two go and do everything together, but in gymnastics she gets to be independant. So far it's been a little slow going, feeling more like toddler busy time than actual technique...until last week. It seemed they took a turn last week and started really spending time on hand stands and summersaults.

 I don't have a lot of pictures and the ones I do have aren't that great, taken with my phone camera while she is in motion.  They move all over the big gym so most times she is far away for the waiting area.  They have a fun activity room for parents and other kids to hang out, so that's where Timo and I typically stay.  I can see her from the room but don't get very good pictures.  But you get the is her work over the past 4-5 weeks.
I think we're ready to commit to buying a leodard now...but it just seems like she would be so cold in it.

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