Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Meal

The kids had their first Happy Meal on Sunday! I don't know why I feel the need to document this..maybe b/c it's something I remember from my childhood and it's fun to see my own kids partaking in this American classic. Normally I'm not a fan of fast food and don't foresee Happy Meals as a staple in my kids diet, but there's a first time for everything!

Sunday was an odd day...I was sick and not feeling well, the kids didn't get their morning nap before church so they were cranky and Young wasn't around b/c he had a meeting right after church. To make a long story quick solution to all our problems was to hit the drive though and give the kids something to snack on (french fries) for the ride home. I think the McNuggets were a little odd to the kids but they gave it their best shot!
Cameron loved the french fries...Timothy thinks some BBQ sauce might be nice...

Cameron investigating the McNuggets...and let's not forget the toy! One meal for two-good. One toy for two-bad

I'm not a fan of them eating off the coffetable...but it's our new tactic to try and get Cameron to eat more...more on that later.

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