Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kiddie Ko-Op

We started a wonderful new childcare co-op at our church called the Kiddie Ko-Op, hallelujah! A mom is paired with a volunteer to watch the kids for 3hours every Thursday. That's means the moms get a whole 3 hours off three times a month!!! How amazing is that?! We've been trying it out for a month now and it seems to be working out really well. I can't tell you how nice it has been to have 3 hours to myself. And the kids are so much fun to play with on the day that I do have to work the co-op. We use the toddler room at our church so there are so many big toys for the kids. There are about 6 to 7 toddlers now and we are hoping to open it up soon to the community around us as a ministry, so keep that in your prayers...that we would be able to reach out to families as a service to them.

Here are some pictures from a few of the play dates
Cameron and Olivia playing peek-a-boo in the house and Timothy's obsession with the train table, he stays there the practically the whole time.

why should my kids act any different at a play group than at home...Timo climbing into anything and Cameron pushing chairs!

Oh, snack time! And the girls learning how the dishwasher works...for future use...

the kids playing the toons and Caleb, Timo and Cameron seeing if they can fit in the cubbies. Good times!

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