Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's Hot!

It has been SO HOT the past few days here in San Francisco...record breaking 90s! We don't have air condition in our house because 350 days out of the year we are in the 60/70s. So we just have to tough out these heat waves the best we can. The kids love it because they get to run around in their diapers all day long and get ice cubes in their sippy cups!
playing with their toys and taking a much needed cold milk break!

Cameron double fisting the sippy cups (she likes the rattle of the ice cube). Time out for a strawberry snack...yummy!

running down the hall when I announced "bath time"...Timo trying to push the door open...he LOVES bath time!

You might have noticed that Timothy almost ALWAYS has a bib on, even in this heat. He is such a drooler!! I've never seen a baby that drools as much as he does. He will soak through at least 3 bibs a day, no joke. This goes on constantly, not just when he is teething. I feel so bad because most of his baby pictures will have the bib...but it beats changing his soaking shirt 10 times a day!!

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