Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful Easter this year, sharing it with many of our friends, good food and rejoicing in the wonders of our risen Lord! The kids must have know it was a was special day...waking up much earlier than they normally do. (we could have gone to sunrise service) So we got an early start on our day of celebration! It was a good thing...I had to get going on my ham for our Easter dinner with friends!(our camera battery died right in the morning so I don't have pictures from lunch)

We started the tradition of Easter Baskets this year and the kids loved them! Since they can't really eat candy yet, I filled plastic eggs with Cheerios, Goldfish and yogurt bites...all of which were gone in minuets! I think the kids had fun with the baskets and all the little goodies inside.

Cameron was thrilled about her bubbles while Timothy was focused on shaking and opening the eggs!

It was impossible to get the kids together, sitting sill, smiling and looking at the camera for an Easter picture! At least I could get them somewhat focused with the eggs long enough to get a picture of each. Thanks Granny for the new clothes!!

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