Thursday, October 8, 2009

Aplane, aplane, aplane!!

We made it safe and sound...and had a somewhat enjoyable flight! We lucked out and our layover was in Denver so it was just a short 2hr+ flight from SF to Denver and another short 2hr+ flight from Denver to Detroit. Of course, after a long day of flying, we had an hour drive from Detroit to Toledo that wasn't so happy, but hey, we're not complaining. Better to anoy family with the kids screaming than total strangers 30,000 feet in the air!

We got off to a rocky start with an hour delay in our take off but we were lucky to find a great window seat so the kids could watch all the "aplanes" going in and out...not to mention all the other big cool looking trucks for Timo to gaze at. (they must have said the word "aplane" a thousand times that day!)

And the kids are very willing to help out with all the luggage...

Timo busied himself with his fleet of planes and cars while Cameron did what she does best...snack!

Sticker fun with Daddy (the kids are totally into stickers right now) and Cameron doing what she does best...more snacking...

And yes...we even managed to get them to sleep for a portion of the flight! We lucked out and got empty seats so the kids could lay down. Sweet!

We are enjoying out time here so far. I'll try to post and update as I get stay tuned!

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