Sunday, October 25, 2009

More Bruises

We had a little "incident" at the playground last Friday...and while I don't have any pictures to share, there are more bumps and bruises in the Ko household. Cameron got pushed down the steps of the play structure and Timo slipped and hit his eye on the steps leading to the slide. The more I thing about the injuring piling up I stop to wonder if it's because we have multiples...hummm...

I wasn't sure how to react to the little boy pushing Cameron. It was a pretty serious fall and the Grandmother was super apologetic but what do you say? "Oh, it's OK", when it's really not because my child just fell 3 feet, scratched their face all up and is scared half to death...not to mention screaming loud enough for everyone at the playground to stop what they are doing and look with sympathy. It's not like an accident in your car where you can exchange information and let insurance companies take care of it. How to you make sure the other parent pays for what their child just did?? Well, you don't. You have to extend grace toward them and let them know your child is OK and it was an accident. I sat there thinking how would I feel if it were my child that pushed the boy down the steps.....So once I cleaned the sand off Cameron and saw the extent of her injuries, I accepted the Grandma's apologies and peace offering of a baggy full of goldfish. What else can you do...

Which brings me back to having multiples...If I wasn't watching Timo on the swinging bridge,making sure he didn't slip through the bars, I would have noticed the little boy about to push Cameron down the steps. And if I wasn't still holding Cameron, calming her down, I would have been able to help Timo up the big steps so he wouldn't fall and get a new black eye. Every time I take the kids out anywhere I feel like it's a "running of the gauntlet." But then I see how sweet Timo was toward Cameron when she fell. He came and sat down right next to us and just sat there quietly. He rubbed her head and said "tister crying, tister crying". And Cameron giving Timo kisses when he hit his eye. So with all the challenges of multiples, I would have it any other way.

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