Monday, May 23, 2011

Hey Diddle Diddle....

Wow! Has it really been over a week since I last post?? I guess things have been busy around here but I can't really put my finger on why or what we've been doing. I think the no nap thing has really changed our schedules. I notice we get a later start in the mornings and stay out later in the afternoons. It's kinda nice not having to watch the time to get back for naps. And all the parks/museums empty out around noon so we practically have the places to ourselves! I must say though, I miss my "me time" I used to have. But I'm trying to look at the glass half full...the kids will be starting preschool in the fall, so I have just a few more months of being home with them. I'm trying to soak up as much Timo and Cameron time as I can!

Here is a little song to maybe brighten your day. We've started reading/singing nursery rhymes as bedtime stores the past week or so and here they are singing one of Timo's favs.

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