Friday, May 6, 2011


I must say we are very fortunate to escape the past year without any sickness. But it all caught up with us the week after Easter. The twins both had runny noses, cough, slight fevers off and on, Timo's asthma returned and I had the brunt of it, full blown throat, aches, sinus, fever and coughing. Needless to say, we stayed in the whole week, nursing ourselves back to health. I can't remember the last time we stay in for 5 days in a row...except going out one day to make a milk/bread run. We passed the time reading, watching TV/movies (Bambi at least 100x), play dough, lounging and napping...yes, the kids napped almost everyday!! That hasn't happened in months, so I knew they weren't feeling themselves. And to top it all off, Young was out of town all week. In a way it was good so that he didn't catch what we had. He was just getting over a wisdom tooth removal/infection...he didn't need a cold too.

The one good thing to come out of the whole week..Timo mastered his potty training!!! I think just staying home, being consistant about sitting on the potty for 5 days really helped him get over that diaper hurdle. Such a big boy!
I'm happy to report we are all back to good health, praise the Lord!

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