Friday, May 13, 2011

Operation Turtle Rescue!

The Sunday after Easter was a beautiful day...sunny and hot, perfect backyard weather. We were all relaxing, playing and just enjoying the ourselves when I heard this scratching noise next to our fence. I walked over, looked down and saw a turtle! Now I know this might not shock any of you country folks, or even folks that live in the burbs, but for us city don't see turtles in your completely fenced in backyard. The children were completely amazed. We have no idea where it came from or how it got in our backyard, all we knew is we need to get is someplace safe.

I'm not ready for a pet yet, so keeping it wasn't an option. Young best synopsis was it somehow crawled over from the park across the street and somehow worked it's way through cracks and holes to make it into our yard. Nonetheless, we thought taking it to the park and letting it loose next to the turtle pond was the best option. So Young took charge and thus commenced Operation Turtle Rescue! We got Timo's big bucket to carry it in and all jumped in the car to head to the park.

Because it was Sunday and a beautiful day, the park was super packed and parking was hard. We didn't make it all the way to the turtle pond but thought the little duck pond, a little closer, would work just was well. The turtle could migrate himself back over to his friends from there. We set him free and watched him crawl away at lightning speed. We all waved bye-bye and headed back home, feeling good about our little turtle rescue adventure!

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