Friday, July 15, 2011


If I had to come up with one word that would discribe our entire vacation, it would be bicycles! We pushed the kids around on their cousin Sena's bike in Ohio and on Kaylee's bike in NC. By the time we got to the beach our backs were killing us and the twins were having complete melt downs every time Kaylee or Kenzie took off on their bikes. So after two days of this at the beach Young decided he wanted to enjoy the rest of his vacation, not pull his back out pushing or listening to "I want to ride it" over and over and over off to Walmart we went getting two little bikes that made two little children extremely happy!
This is pretty much all we saw of them over the next few days...

Timo took right to the bike, racing away. I really had wanted to get them the balance bikes first to learn balance, then move to a bike with no training wheels...but hey, desprest times call for desperate measures. The hardest part was getting them to look forward and not down at their feet or at us!

Untitled from Sara ko on Vimeo.

After a long day of riding bikes we had yummy BBQ chicken and more riding...

And if you have a campfire then you HAVE to have smores!

To run off all that sugar, we took the kids out "snipe" hunting (don't ask, something from Young's childhood) and lighting bug hunting. We grabbed a couple of Grandpa's flashlights and headed to the beach! (sorry quality isn't that great...night time shooting)

Untitled from Sara ko on Vimeo.

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