Saturday, February 18, 2012

4 Year Doctor Visit

This is the doctor visit that started all the sickness. We were all perfectly healthy the day of our annual check up...but then a few days later we were back with fevers, coughs and ear infections. Lessons playing with toys in the waiting room! But nonetheless, here are the stats at 4 years old...

Timothy--31lb 6oz/3ft 2in tall 12.5% for growth!
Cameron--28lb/3ft tall 3% for growth!
This was an especially fun check up because the children got their blood pressure checked for the first time!
The children also had their first eye and hearing test. Of course Timo was so into the electronics that he couldn't concentrate on the task at hand! He kept wanting to press the buttons, turn knobs, flip light switches, follow cords, etc...asking a million questions that totally exhausted the poor nurse. He wouldn't stop talking long enough to hear the sounds in each ear so we had to take a little "time out" with him and try 5 min later with the promise that he could press ONE button if he sat quietly and answered each question. whew! Hearing and sights are good.
Cameron, on the other hand, sat so nicely and quietly. She answered each question and finished her tests with flying colors in half the time.
Our check up went well except for advising us to see a specialist about Timo's snoring and possible sleep apnea. (more on that later) Cameron moved up to the 3% growth..up from 2% and Timo moved to the 12%. They have hit all their milestones...Cameron even got confused with the "count to 10" question and rattled off 1-10 in Chinese. Timo kept asking to hold Dr. B's stethoscope and she was kind enough to let him hold it if he gave a big "Ahhhh" so she could see his tonsils. I think she also has a soft spot for Timo since he said he wanted to a doctor when he grows up!
The secret treasure chest! Makes all that hard work of growing worth wild!

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