Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Savings Account

For a while now, Timo has REALLY been into in wanting as much money as he can get. (Young thinks we have an Alex P. Keaton on our hands) But not the "ticket money" (dollar bills), he only likes the coin money. I think he likes it jingling around in his pocket. He was ALWAYS asking for money but it just didn't seem right to give money for no reason....right? So, as strange as it might seem, we now give out coins instead of stickers or candy as rewards! They get a penny for getting dressed themselves, a nickle for being a "first time listener", and a quarter for cleaning up toys.
But then the problem was finding change in the laundry, car seats, sofa cushions...anywhere it would fall out of their pockets...and then a total melt down when Timo couldn't find his hard earned money! We thought it was time for piggy banks. Now each time they earn their money, they run to their room and deposit their savings! I don't think they have really associated the money they have can be used to buy toys with...let's hope it's a while before they want to spend it. For now, it's just a friendly competition on who can have the heaviest savings account!

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