Sunday, February 26, 2012

Valentine/Birthday Cookies

At the children's school, birthdays can be celebrated the last 15 mins of class. The parents bring in some sort of snack for the whole class and everyone gets to enjoy the birthday before going home. So I had scheduled with their teacher the week before to bring in Valentine cookies for the class to celebrate Timo and Cameron's birthday (heart cookies since it was Valentine's Day as well). Well, since we didn't make it to school on their birthday, we postponed the party till they were feeling better. The problem was, we had already made the heart cookies the night before...

We had the cookies all packed up and ready to go on their birthday but then I got a call from the school that morning saying Timo was running a fever and crying with ear pain. Oh boy! Someone was not a happy camper when we got back home from the doctors.
Fast forward a few day later, everyone is feeling better, cookies are still good and we finally have our little classroom celebration! Timo and Cameron got to pass the cookies out to their friends and enjoy hearing them all sing Happy Birthday in Chinese! Yay!

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