Friday, May 3, 2013

Dinosaur Imagination

Cameron has decided she wants to be a paleontologist when she grows up and her love of dinosaurs continues to grow and grow.  She loves to read her books and we check out more books and dino documentaries from the library.  I can see her absorbing all the little facts about these creatures.  And she will spend hours setting up her dinos, creating scenes and telling me details about each one.  I like that she even gathers the trees and bushes from Lego sets and Timo's Indians set for the plant eaters to munch on.
Then I noticed this one day...all these dinos were gathered around a fallen dinosaur.  She explained they were the meat eaters having lunch!  Oy!  Poor dino...
And then I found this on the coffee table yesterday!  Her beloved T-Rex was having a little snack on her Lego Brontosaurs.  Most girls play with dolls and dresses up like princesses, but my little girl sets up dinosaur feeding frenzies.  That's my Cameron!

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