Monday, May 20, 2013

Jaguars' Baseball Season

Timo played his final baseball game this past Saturday.  It's sad that it's over but I'm glad to have our Saturdays backs, he, he.  They had a great coach this year, Coach Logan, who was fun yet pretty firm on the disciplines of baseball.  We could really see Timo growing and improving in the sport.  He can control his throws better, more power in his swings, and really learning to hustle to first after hitting the ball.  He had his best game, by far, on Saturday.  Three hits, two ended up on first, one he got out.  And four catches and throws to 1st for outs!  Coach ran out at one point and said "Timo, you are on FIRE today!"

Here are some highlights from his season...Timo really like this drill at practice, throwing the balls against the wall and trying to catch them.
Here are two videos of one game...him hitting and running home.  I love the smile on his face after he comes home, so happy.  It just shows how much he really loves baseball.

20130427 133521 from Sara ko on Vimeo.

20130413 091133 from Sara ko on Vimeo.

The final game, Timo heading to first and heading home to score.  Technically there are no "outs" in the game but the coach is teaching to always throw to first to get the out, and on the flip side, as soon as you hit the ball, run as fast as you can to first base before the ball get there.  Even though they get to stay on first if they are "out", the boys try their best to beat the ball.  I love the determination of Timo trying to get the first.  Way to hustle Buddy!
Last team cheer and "good game" with the other team.  Thanks Coach for a great season!!

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