Thursday, May 16, 2013

San Diego and The Bryants

Our best friends, Daryl and Mindy, moved to San Diego about 6 years ago.  Whenever we are down that way we always try to get together.  On this trip we were able make it their son's 3rd birthday.  The party was the same Saturday as Ashley's graduation, only in the evening.  We finished up at the graduation party and headed down to La Jolla to celebrate Josiha's birthday in a park.  The kids were wiped out from the graduation and swimming, they slept the whole way.
All the kids had fun at the huge park and it was fun to see Josiah again.  The last time we saw him he was 5months old....can't believe he is 3 already!!

Since Legoland was in "early season" they closed at 5pm, leaving us plenty of time that day to meet the Bryants again for dinner.  It was Cinco de Mayo so we had to have Mexican.  It was great to see them, laugh, catch up and see each other as parents now.
Timo and Cameron CRASHED on the car ride home from dinner that night.  They didn't even stir when we took them in the hotel, in the elevator, fumbling for the key and into their jammies.  A sign of a great day!
It was time to head back home the next day.  Lucky for us it had rained early that morning so there were tons of snails out.  The kids stayed totally occupied looking at snails while we packed the car.
The kids did really well with the long drive (6.5 going and 8hours coming back).  They watched a few movies (Ice Age Dinosaur), read some books, tried to get truck drivers to honk and at snacks.  Check out my snack kits!  I got the idea from Pinterest, of course.  It's wipes containers filled with snacks.  They each had their own and the LOVED it.  We had a really great time and are ready for our next road trip!  Any suggestions?

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