Thursday, May 9, 2013

5 Year Check-Up

Since we're starting kindergarten next year, we needed to get physicals as a requirement of the public school system.  We got our eyes checks, hearing checked, height, weight and blood pressure...the kids loved the blood pressure cup and stethoscope.
Our pediatrician give books at each year check up and this year we got one of our favorites...Caps For Sale.  We've checked it out of the library several times so the kids practically know it by heart.  They were impressing everyone around them by "reading' it in  pharmacy waiting room.
And then, two days later, we were like this...high fevers, cold, coughs and missed days of school.
I swore, after last year's experience, see here, I would never take healthy kids to the doctor again.  It's just asking for sickness being around all those germs.  But because I had to turn their physicals in, I had no choice, we had to go in and get checked out.  And I was so vigilant about not touching too much, washing hands and using hand sanitizer, ugh.  I'm just grateful there were no emergency room visits this time.

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