Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Silly Dress Up Day

The kids' school had a "Fashion Disaster" dress up day at school last week, which I translated to the kids as Silly Dress Day because they have no concept of "Fashion". Knowing my two, they both are particular about what they wear, so I wasn't sure how they would feel about dressing crazy and unmatched for the day. I started talking about it a few days earlier and how all their class mates were going to dress silly. I let them pick out the silliest close they had, think they would be more willing to wear what they pick out than what I dress them in...and it worked!  They even came up with the idea of wearing two different shoes.

Cameron thought it was so silly to wear her polka dot pants with her bone shirt and Timo thought it was outrageous to wear his football shirt while he wasn't playing football...such a crazy crazy boy I have (sarcastic).
I asked Cameron if we could put two pony tails in her hair because she doesn't normally like her hair up and she came up with the idea of four ponytails, crazy!  And Timo surprised me by saying he wanted his hair standing up!  I was so shocked he wanted something so crazy...so I moosed his hair up in spikes. (he wanted it washed as soon as we got home because his hair "hurt")
I guess silly faces have to come along with silly dressing, every picture I tried to take they has to put on thier silliest faces. We got to school and not many of their friends had dressed up. I knew it would be hard to get pre-schoolers out of their comfort zone and wear crazy clothes. Timo started getting upset because he couldn't find anyone dressed silly and wanted to go home, but then he saw his best friend, Finn, with his hair spiked up too.  Slowly he noticed more kids dressed silly and felt more comfortable, whew!  Crazy Kids!

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