Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Beach Time

Each afternoon we headed over to Lake Tahoe for a dip in the very cool water. There is this great beach area just a few blocks from our house that had a really long pier and lots of kayaks, paddle boats and other rentals. The water was so shallow all the way out about 30-40 feet...I'm bummed we didn't get a picture of how far you could walk out.

This was a great place to introduce the twins to water. Sadly, we haven't really been around any watering holes except the bath tub! It's too chilly in SF to swim and I haven't ventured out to one of the many indoor pools we have...can't see me trying to keep two babies afloat by myself. But this beach area was perfect. Timo really took to the water and loved playing right in the surf in the wet sand. Cameron didn't even want to get her feet wet! It took a while just to get her to walk on the sand without shoes! She is kinda funny about texture on her feet and water around her face. But she had so much fun playing in the nice dry sand.

Timo getting a lay of the land the first day...just checking things out...

Cameron starting out far away from the water but had to check out the fun brother was having.

Daddy distracting them for the wardrobe change...and one last walk in the water before we leave.

Timothy was more brave the next day, collecting rocks and shells then throwing them back in the water

Cameron also got closer to the water the second day...but not quite all the way in.

no rest for Daddy on this vacation...

1 comment:

Matt and Lauren said...


Thanks so much for doing such a great job keeping up with the blog. I really love reading it. Your kids are absolutely adorable!!!!!!